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General Business Terms

Business terms and policies

Order Execution PolicyNov 2023
Execution Venues & Order Types
Nov 2023
Cash collateral for margin financing used net free equity calculation21 Jan 2022
Conflicts of interest policy 30 Oct 2023
Contract option specifications02 May 2023
CSDR Article 38 disclosure01 Feb 2022
Futures contract specifications08 Jun 2023
General business terms03 Jul 2023
Kredit na poplatky z provize
 29 Oct 2021
Market conduct information04 Jun 2018
Risk disclaimer09 Feb 2016
Shareholder Rights Facilitation Policy 05 Mar 2020
Sub-account terms 28 Jan 2021
Sanctions policy 19 Apr 2024

Regional Business Terms

Additional Terms for Saxo essential account UAE and Qatar08 Jan 2018 

Historical Business Terms

Order execution policy 2020
(Addendum to) General Business Terms for Life Insurance Account
Appendix to Best Execution Policy
Appendix to Best Execution Policy Feb 2015
Best Execution Policy August 2018
Best Execution Policy June 2016
Best Execution Policy EN April 2016
Best Execution Policy EN Dec 2015
Best Execution Policy EN Dec 2014
Best Execution Policy EN Dec 2013
Best Execution Policy EN June 2013
Business Terms for Custody Management
Business Terms for Securities Trading
Business Terms for Securities Trading. Applicable from 01.01.2007 to 20.08.2012
Business Terms of International Transfer of Funds
Conflicts of Interest Policy Applicable from 12 Feb 2013 until 25 March 2014
Conflicts of Interest Policy Applicable from 13 May 2015 until 18 April 2016
Conflicts of Interest Policy Applicable from 16 March 2017 until 01 January 2018
Conflicts of Interest Policy Applicable from 18 april 2016 until 16 March 2017
Conflicts of Interest Policy Applicable from 25 March 2014 until 13 May 2015
General Business Terms, Applicable from 02.09.2020 until 03.07.2023
General Business Terms, Applicable from 12.06.2020 until 02.09.2020
General Business Terms, Applicable from 03.01.2018 until 11.06.2020
General Business Terms, Applicable from 01.04.2014 until 31.07.2014
General Business Terms, Applicable from 01.08.2013 until 14.09.2013
General Business Terms, Applicable from 01.08.2014 until 14.05.2017
General Business Terms, Applicable from 14 May 2017 to 2 January 2018
General Business Terms, Applicable from 15.09.2013 until 31.03.2014
General Business Terms. Applicable from 01.01.2010 until 30.09.2011
General Business Terms. Applicable from 01.10.2011 until 31.07.2013
General Business Terms. Applicable from 01.11.2007 until 05.03.2008
General Business Terms. Applicable from 01.12.2005 until 31.10.2007
General Business Terms. Applicable from 06.03.2008 until 14.11.2008
General Business Terms. Applicable from 12.03.2009 until 31.12.2009
General Business Terms. Applicable from 15.11.2008 until 11.03.2009
Margin requirements for Net Free Equity calculations for FX and CFD positions
Order Execution Policy (Best Execution Policy) 2018
Order Execution Policy 2019

Facilitator Agreement

Client through Facilitator AgreementMon, 16 Feb 2015

Saxo Bank A/S, organizační složka
Na Poříčí 3a
Prague 1, 110 00
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