Introducing: SaxoInvestor

Invest in everything, at low prices in one place.


Focus on reliable returns with 5,200+ digitally tradeable government and corporate bonds

Buy bonds from 0.05% in commission per trade 

Introducing: SaxoInvestor

Invest in everything, at low prices in one place.

Get access to expert insights for better investing

With your Saxo account you’ll get access to global research on bonds, investment inspiration, live market updates, expert analysis, podcasts, webinars and more – all available in the trading platform.

Invest quickly and securely on our user-friendly platform

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    Market insights

    Find your next investment through our comprehensive screener and explore curated investment themes

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    Product analysis

    Dig into details with charting data, key stats and independent analyst ratings

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    Risk management features

    Manage your risks even while away, with automated features like stop-loss and take-profit orders

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    Portfolio tracking

    Adapt your strategy as you grow by analysing your performance history, costs and returns

Investing in bonds digitally keeps your costs low

We direct your bond order to an optimised dealer auction, where 50+ tier 1 liquidity providers can compete to return the best price.

Online trading hours
You can trade bonds online 24/5 if the underlying bond market is open. Trading hours are limited to the daylight hours in the region where liquidity in the underlying bond market is best.


Diversify your portfolio for higher growth potential

Invest in stocks to take advantage of market growth and increase your potential for high returns. A balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds is a classic investment strategy.



Daily trades



70+ bn

GBP client assets

15+ bn

GBP daily trade volume

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Trade Responsibly
All trading carries risk. To help you understand the risks involved we have put together a series of Key Information Documents (KIDs) highlighting the risks and rewards related to each product. Read more
Additional Key Information Documents are available in our trading platform.

Saxo is a registered Trading Name of Saxo Capital Markets UK Ltd (‘Saxo’). Saxo is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Firm Reference Number 551422. Registered address: 26th Floor, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DA. Company number 7413871. Registered in England & Wales.

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