
Portfolio guide 8 minuten leestijd
Saxo Be Invested

Saxo Group

The new Portfolio section has been created with the intention to simplify and improve your experience in keeping track of your account activity.

This guide will provide a brief overview of the changes to the section and how they will improve the monitoring of your investments and trades. 

Account overview

The account overview gives you a quick status of your account value and 1 day change on both single and aggregated account level.


The overview section provides you with a summary of your account (or accounts if you have more than one). At the top, you will see your account value, cash and your 1-day return. Below, you can see your positions grouped by product, as well as a breakdown of your cash holdings.

Finally, at the very bottom, allocation charts show what your portfolio consists of split into assets, countries and sectors.


This section provides you with a detailed breakdown of your account’s historical performance, adjustable by the time period of your choice. You can see the development of your account value and returns in two charts. For the returns chart, you can add a benchmark to compare the performance with. You can also see the profit loss breakdown with the possibility of grouping by product. By clicking on an instrument, you can get more insights on the earnings, returns and transactions history for the instrument.


The transactions section shows a list of all the events that have affected your account. You can adjust the transactions overview by using the filters: period, product, and transactions type. To get an in-depth breakdown of a single transaction, simply click on one which will bring up the transaction details. 

It is also possible to download a PDF or Excel sheet of your transaction history. 

Corporate actions

The corporate actions tab is where you will find information about activities relating to corporate actions such as dividends and shareholder voting. Here you will see your upcoming, active, and past corporate events and see if any action needs to be taken.

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De informatie op deze pagina is niet bedoeld als individueel beleggingsadvies of als een individuele aanbeveling tot het doen van bepaalde beleggingen. De beloning van de auteur van dit artikel staat/stond/zal niet direct of indirect in relatie (staan) met zijn specifieke aanbevelingen of standpunten. Ondanks het feit dat Saxo Nederland alle zorgvuldigheid in acht neemt bij het samenstellen en onderhouden van deze pagina's, en daarbij gebruik maakt van bronnen die betrouwbaar geacht worden, kan Saxo Nederland niet instaan voor de juistheid, volledigheid en actualiteit van de geboden informatie. Indien u zonder verificatie of advies gebruikmaakt van de verstrekte informatie, doet u dat voor eigen rekening en risico. Aan de informatie op deze pagina's kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Saxo Nederland is een handelsnaam van Saxo Bank A/S. Beleggen brengt risico’s met zich mee. Uw inleg kan minder waard worden. Meer informatie over de specifieke productrisico’s kunt u lezen op de productpagina’s. 

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