Saxo is one of the largest banks in Denmark with over USD 100 billion in client assets. We serve not only retail clients but also provide solutions for over 200 banks and brokers worldwide. In 2023, we were designated as a
Systemically Important Financial Institution (SIFI), which recognises financial institutions that play a significant role in ensuring the stability and proper functioning of the financial system. In 2024, our
S&P Global Rating was upgraded to an A-.
By opening an account with Saxo, your funds will be geographically diversified as they will be located in the Danish banking system with
deposit protection by the Danish Guarantee Fund (up to EUR 100,000).
You will be able to access your funds from most countries around the world. If you transfer money from an external bank account, it will automatically be linked (in most countries) to your Saxo account, ensuring smooth access to your capital.